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Теперь настало время практических занятий.
Мы проведем несколько показательных оптимизаций некоторых сайтов издателей с целью демонстрации способов оптимизации объявлений AdSense на страницах сайта. К
аждый из вас может предоставить свой сайт для демонстрационной оптимизации AdSense на нём. Мы отберем сайты по нашему усмотрению и проведем над ними работу. Наш специалист Максим Фролов покажет на конкретном примере, какие изменения необходимо внести в размещение рекламных блоков для того, чтобы программа приносила максимум прибыли. Мы проведем оптимизацию AdSense на сайте и продемонстрируем результат на Форуме и на блоге AdSense, чтобы другие издатели с похожими сайтами смогли применить те же приемы на своих сайтах. Разумеется, от вас потребуется четкое выполнение инструкций по внедрению изменений, предложенных нами.
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Что если мой сайт не приняли для оптимизации AdSense?Вы все еще можете применить советы по оптимизации AdSense, которые Максим применит для других сайтов. Обязательно дайте нам знать об этом! Заполните эту
Максим просмотрит ваш сайт и даст дополнительные рекомендации по оптимизации (если потребуется).
Если после того, как вы последовали примеру оптимизации, ваша прибыль значительно увеличилась, вы сможете получить сувенир от Google AdSense.
Что если я пропустил срок подачи?см. пункт "Что если мой сайт не приняли для оптимизации" - смотрите примеры оптимизации и следуйте советам Максима, а потом
пишите нам.
Не забудьте сделать скриншот сайта до и после оптимизации AdSense!
Какие требования к сайту?Мы не сможем принять Ваш сайт, если:
1. Тематика сайта или содержание запрещено Правилами программы.
2. Если вы нарушали правила программы в прошлом.
3. На сайте очень мало содержания (например, если это блог, то там только один пост "привет, мир!")
Я не хочу показывать URL своего сайта, так как боюсь недействительных кликов от завистников.
Наша команда по Правилам программы будет предупреждена о том, что сайт будет показан на Форуме и блоге. Будьте уверены, что команда по Правилам сможет отличить недействительные клики или саботаж.
Ждем ваших сайтов!
Максим & Ярослава
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Hello, my name is Tom Hanks and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here - Cash app transfer failed
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Hello, my name is Tom Hanks and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here - What does transfer failed mean on cash app
Hello, my name is Tom Hanks and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here - Cash app transrfer fail
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Hello, my name is Tom Hanks and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here -
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Hello, I'm Tom Hanks & I was born in France and spend a lot of time travelling to UK and english speaking country as The Republic of Ireland. I do my studies in english where I have classes of translation (theme & version), phonetic, linguistic, litterature, history, civilisation (about commonwealth), oral and law (in America and UK). I've been part of a school association when I was in high school and I also managed a club. I entirely managed a trip in London and went to London several times. Also, I went to Wales, England (Bath, Beaulieu) and Ireland. I assume to write correct translations in english or in french and to respect any deadline. Feel free to contact me anytime ! here is my blog Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here - Why cash app transfer failed
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Hello, my name is Tom Hanks and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here -
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Hello, I'm Tommy Jones & I was born in France and spend a lot of time travelling to UK and english speaking country as The Republic of Ireland. I do my studies in english where I have classes of translation (theme & version), phonetic, linguistic, litterature, history, civilisation (about commonwealth), oral and law (in America and UK). I've been part of a school association when I was in high school and I also managed a club. I entirely managed a trip in London and went to London several times. Also, I went to Wales, England (Bath, Beaulieu) and Ireland. I assume to write correct translations in english or in french and to respect any deadline. Feel free to contact me anytime ! here is my blog Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here - Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps
Hello, my name is Mel Gibson and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here - Auto Cash Apps
Hello, my name is Mel Gibson and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here -
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Hello, I'm Mel Gibson & I was born in France and spend a lot of time travelling to UK and english speaking country as The Republic of Ireland. I do my studies in english where I have classes of translation (theme & version), phonetic, linguistic, litterature, history, civilisation (about commonwealth), oral and law (in America and UK). I've been part of a school association when I was in high school and I also managed a club. I entirely managed a trip in London and went to London several times. Also, I went to Wales, England (Bath, Beaulieu) and Ireland. I assume to write correct translations in english or in french and to respect any deadline. Feel free to contact me anytime ! here is my blog Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here - Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps,Contact Cash Apps
Hello, I'm Mel Gibson & I was born in France and spend a lot of time travelling to UK and english speaking country as The Republic of Ireland. I do my studies in english where I have classes of translation (theme & version), phonetic, linguistic, litterature, history, civilisation (about commonwealth), oral and law (in America and UK). I've been part of a school association when I was in high school and I also managed a club. I entirely managed a trip in London and went to London several times. Also, I went to Wales, England (Bath, Beaulieu) and Ireland. I assume to write correct translations in english or in french and to respect any deadline. Feel free to contact me anytime ! here is my blog Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here -
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Hello, my name is Harrison Ford and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues Resolve Click Here - Auto Cash Apps
Hello, my name is Harrison Ford and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues Resolve Click Here - Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps
Hello, I'm Harrison Ford & I was born in France and spend a lot of time travelling to UK and english speaking country as The Republic of Ireland. I do my studies in english where I have classes of translation (theme & version), phonetic, linguistic, litterature, history, civilisation (about commonwealth), oral and law (in America and UK). I've been part of a school association when I was in high school and I also managed a club. I entirely managed a trip in London and went to London several times. Also, I went to Wales, England (Bath, Beaulieu) and Ireland. I assume to write correct translations in english or in french and to respect any deadline. Feel free to contact me anytime ! here is my blog Cash app Issues Resolve Click Here - Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps,Auto Cash Apps
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Hello, my name is Keanu Reeves and I'm a White-hat SEO Expert with experience in On-page and Off-page strategies. I am also trained to work with various types of websites such as e-commerce stores, WordPress websites, and PHP websites. If you want to know more about me then you can check my blog website on Cash app Issues & fix Problems Click Here - Auto Cash Apps
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